Miss Laurel grew up in the Puget Sound on a small island (Herron Island). As a young girl she was drawn to the beauty of creation around her and wanted to create beauty with the resources around her. She loved ceramics, painting, crafting, collecting, collaging, decopauging to name just a few. Upon completing High School, she went to Multnomah University, double majoring in Bible and Educational Ministries. For 15 years, she lived with her husband and 3 children in Europe (Germany and Slovenia), sharing the love of Jesus with those who had ears to hear, helping plant a church and discipling young people in the ways of Jesus. Due to her love of art, it is natural for her to bring it, into whatever she is doing. She has taught classes/workshops for her church, at English Camps, in Women’s Ministry and on her Missionary team. She has used art to disciple, teach truth, teach English, build community, teach pre-schoolers and so much more. She has found that Biblical truths can sink down deeply in the heart when combined with art and used as a way to worship Jesus. She has joined Jubilee as a means to that end and is curious and hopeful for what the Lord has in store.
Contact: laurel.jubileedancespokane@gmail.com
Photo: Laurel Jenkins