Studio Policies
Our new Code of Etiquette!
We will practice and study how to carry ourselves to prepare ourselves for performing in a professional setting and to work hard at becoming our best selves.
Welcome to Jubilee Dance! We are so grateful you have joined our community of dancers, artists, and friends. We strive to live and move in an encouraging, body-positive, non-competitive, and Christ-centered way, enjoying the beauty of dance and the connections to others, self, and God it enhances. Here are some pointers for how to maintain an orderly and peaceful time at Jubilee! As the studio continues to grow, so must our attention to detail and safety for all.
How to enter the studio space:
Find our black door with Jubilee logo and go inside!
All belongings and shoes can be stored in the white cubbies, but water bottles should be brought up to the studio.
At the top of the stairs, locate the digital check-in and sign your student(s) in!
Parents and siblings are welcome to stay in the Office, just off the studio. Please refrain from walking through the studio during class. If you choose to stay in the Office, please remain there for the duration of class. Snacks are often available by donation.
How to exit the studio:
Thank your teacher!
Grab all your things, wait till your parents signs you out, and head home
Parents, please be on time and sign out on check-in sheet
*If anyone other than you is picking up your student, you MUST email your teacher directly in advance!
Show up to class on time and ready to move!
If you need to come to the studio early to get dressed, you are welcome to do so. Students are not under official supervision of the teacher until the start time of class, so parents of younger students may need to stay until that time unless arranged prior to class. Please do not come more than 5-10 minutes before class. Teachers use this time to get ready without distraction, and you may be asked to wait outside until the appropriate time. Thank you!
NO bathroom breaks are permitted during class, excepting emergencies
Our time with your students is precious and limited, so parents must inform their kids to go to the bathroom before class and should accompany them downstairs to the bathroom. In the event a student needs to go during class, the teacher will have to stop class and bring the whole class downstairs to use the bathroom. This is for everyone’s safety since we do not have more than one adult teaching class at a time. Please take care of this before class!
Parent Observation
Parents may stay in our new office room during class if need be. Siblings who can play quietly are also welcome. Parents and siblings may not be in the dance studio during class (though exceptions can be made for new dancers and young ones having difficulty adjusting, in which case, parents must participate in class with the dancer rather than sit and watch on the side). Otherwise, we ask you wait till Parent Week or the recital season to see what we’ve been working on!
All Parents are Volunteers
We keep our performance fee low by working as a community to cover the volunteer roles necessary at our shows. In order to keep everything well organized all families are asked to help in some capacity during our end of semester show. We hope each family will provide a volunteer for at least one role per show. (For example: check-in, class helper, usher, load-in/out etc.) Plus, it is loads of fun! Each role will not exceed 3 volunteer hours of your time per semester, but as always you are welcome and encouraged to jump in as you are able to help in additional capacities. (You are also welcome to have family or friends cover your role if that is what is best for your family.)
Photo and Video of Class Choreography
Students are permitted to video class choreography at the end of class for the sole purpose of practicing at home. They are prohibited from posting on social media, however, due to matters of privacy. Teachers will not video choreography from class to send out--if students would like a video from which to practice, they will need to arrange that by using their own device or having a fellow student share with them.
What if I have to stay home sick?
Great question! You should notify your teacher RIGHT away so she can make sure to be able to zoom you into class from home! 24 hours notice is appreciated and at least 4 hours required, as there may be a case where your teacher is unprepared to do a zoom class if she is notified last minute. Please stay home and clear out a space to dance and imagine that you are in the studio for class!
Performance Optional
In keeping with our desire that dance be joyful and encouraging, we do not require that dancers perform at the final showcase.
Late Fees
Tuition is due on the date shown on your invoice. The late fee is $10. If you pick up your student from class over 10 min after the class has ended, an additional $10 will be charged. In the event of an emergency, please contact the teacher of the class as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Jubilee Teaching Team